Day: January 13, 2023

How to Detect Lead Generation FraudHow to Detect Lead Generation Fraud

Detect lead generation fraud can be difficult. There are multiple ways to determine if your marketing efforts are generating leads that are not good. You can use a combination of traffic patterns, marketing metrics and source tracking to identify suspicious activity.

How Lead Generation Fraud Affects Brands and Consumers

A simple IP reputation check can help you pre-filter many leads. If you suspect that a large number of leads are fraudulent, you should suspend any publisher accounts or sources involved. Alternatively, you could blacklist certain addresses. This may impact email deliverability.

Lead generation fraud occurs when a fraudulent affiliate or lead generator generates false leads. Scammers use bots, malware and human fraud farms to create and submit fake leads. These fake leads fool advertisers and advertising networks into thinking they are genuine.

Scammers also try to trick the user into sharing personal information. They often use misleading language and websites that appear legitimate. The information is usually stolen, which makes addressing the problem even more complicated.

Some fraudsters also use similar meta data associated with an IP address to submit an invalid lead. This technique overlaps with click fraud. Using a full suite of tools can prevent and detect both of these nefarious schemes.

Anura’s ad fraud solution can check website traffic in real time, avoiding false positives. It can also prevent malicious bots from submitting forms. It can also analyze the device properties and IP address of users.

If you suspect that your lead generation program is vulnerable to fraud, consider deploying a lead validation service. These services will protect your program from fake leads and chargebacks.