Kettlebell Swing For AbsKettlebell Swing For Abs
If you’re looking for an abs workout, the kettlebell swing is one of the best moves out there. It strengthens your core muscles that control your torso rotation and flexion (bending forward). It also helps prevent lower back injuries by keeping your spine in a neutral position during the movement. Find out kettlebell swing for abs –
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place a heavy kettlebell on the floor about a foot in front of you. Squat down to grab the handle with both hands, shoulders back and chest up. Then, thrust hips to swing the kettlebell back between legs, letting your arms act as pendulum. Continue to swing the weight until it’s in front of you at chest height, contracting glutes and quads throughout the movement. That’s one rep.
Kettlebell Swing Abs Ignition: Unlocking Core Strength and Definition
Another way to add variation to the kettlebell swing is to use it with only one hand. This exercise mostly targets your obliques, the abdominal muscles that run along the sides of your core. It’s an ideal movement for people with shoulder issues because it’s a low-impact exercise.
If you’re new to the kettlebell swing, start with a lighter weight. Then, perform a few rounds of swings with short breaks in between. Doing swings for high reps builds strength and endurance, which is why many combat athletes like MMA fighters and wrestlers incorporate them into their training. They need to have strong, powerful abs to keep them in a fighting stance for long periods of time.