Day: December 21, 2024

iFOAM of Northwest Charlotte – Spray Foam InsulationiFOAM of Northwest Charlotte – Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation in Charlotte, North Charlotte is a powerful and durable product that is applied to a home or building, typically by hand in the form of a gun. This two-part liquid product, when sprayed on a surface, transforms into a dense and impenetrable foam that can fill in gaps and nooks and crannies. It acts as an air seal and closes those leaking areas that allow conditioned air to escape your home or building, which can result in expensive monthly energy bills.

Spray foam also helps to minimize indoor allergens such as dust, mold, mildew, pest waste, and pollen. It’s non-toxic and safe for those with asthma, allergies or chemical sensitivities.

Spray Foam Insulation vs. Traditional Insulation: Why iFOAM is Better

This premium insulation is installed into attics, crawl spaces and rim joist in existing homes and barns and into the walls of new construction or pole buildings. It’s even used in some commercial applications such as warehouses and offices. The crews that apply it use large insulated trucks equipped with spray systems and high-end technology to ensure that the foam is mixed perfectly and sprayed correctly into every attic, crack, and crevice.

The spray rigs that the technicians use are also very environmentally friendly and free of CFCs, HCFCs and HFOs. They utilize a blowing agent called Ecomate that is based on naturally occurring methyl methanoate. This green alternative to traditional insulation is not toxic at all after it has cured, but while it’s curing, the workers wear masks and full face covers to avoid inhaling the gas.

iFOAM of Northwest Charlotte, NC
6601 Northpark Blvd B, Charlotte, NC 28216
(704) 954-8208